A photo gallery of Parks Canada's trail crew at work

Waterton Lakes National Park

Working on Waterton’s trails was dirtier than usual in 2018!

Since the spring, our trail crew has worked to repair damaged and destroyed infrastructure and assessed, cut and cleared fallen and burned trees to reopen over 50 km of previously closed trails.

Loose ash and dirt resulting from the Kenow Wildfire along with reduced shade in fire-affected areas made the work more challenging.

Parks Canada colleagues from Jasper National Park provided a much appreciated helping hand in June!

See photos of the team at work on the Bertha trail before it reopened in late June.

Two trail crew members push a dead tree off a trail
Teamwork! A Parks Canada trail crew member from Jasper National Park joins a colleague from Waterton Lakes National Park to clear a recently-felled tree off the Bertha trail. The tree was burnt out at the base during the Kenow Wildfire. ©Nick Alexander
Trail crew members remove rocks from a wheelbarrow
Moving heavy building materials is a demanding part of trail crew work. Here staff move rocks by hand and by wheelbarrow. Heavy rocks make good retaining walls. ©John Stoesser
A trail crew member working with a chainsaw
A Parks Canada trail crew member works on the base of a recently-felled tree. ©Nick Alexander
Burnt trees and regrowth on a trail
Due to a lack of vegetation to absorb melting snow and rain in the spring, some erosion occurred where it usually wouldn't. It resulted in some trees tipping over from the roots. ©John Stoesser
A trail crew member using a chainsaw
A Parks Canada trail crew member cutting on a steep slope. ©Nick Alexander
Crew members working on a new wall
Working on a new retaining wall. The wildfire destroyed many old wood retaining walls. ©Nick Alexander
A trail crew member using a chainsaw
A Parks Canada trail crew member cutting on a steep slope. ©Nick Alexander
Trial crew members pose for a picture
A joint effort! Trail crews from Waterton Lakes and Jasper national parks stand on a recently repaired section of the Bertha trail. ©John Stoesser
Moving a wheelbarrow full of rocks
Rocks can be challenging to move, but they are a great product for use when fixing trails. ©John Stoesser
Trail crew build a new wooden bench on the trail
The crew works to replace one of the Bertha trail’s burnt out wooden benches. ©John Stoesser
Moving a wheelbarrow full of rocks
Technical tree felling: Trail crew members pull a tree down after the feller is well clear. Good communication is key during this process. ©Nick Alexander
Using a chainsaw on a fallen tree
Another day at the office! The Kenow Wildfire has revealed more lake views along the Bertha trail. ©Nick Alexander

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