Reservation form

Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve, National Marine Conservation Area Reserve, and Haida Heritage Site

Please fill out this form to initiate your reservation process. A staff member will contact you to complete the process. Weather changes quickly and impacts all travelers in Gwaii Haanas. Please consult tide tables and marine charts to plan your arrival and departure dates and take weather delays into consideration. 

Contact information
Is this your first time visiting Gwaii Haanas?
Transportation information
Will you use a tour operator to transport you into Gwaii Haanas?
Will you be using Moresby Camp, on Moresby Island?

For sail and motor boats only:

Safety information
Do you have a VHF radio?
Do you have a Satellite phone?
Do you have a Satellite communication device (InReach, SPOT, etc.)?

Emergency contact information

Please provide the name and contact information for an emergency contact for the group who is not travelling with you. This person should be able to contact next-of-kin for all members of the group in case of an emergency.

Information for each group member

Please include the first and last name, age range (youth = 0-17; adult = 18-64; senior = 65+), email and postal code for each group member, as well as indicating Yes or No to join the Gwaii Haanas emailing list?

Commercial photos and videos
Will any trip members be taking photos or videos that will be used for commercial purposes? (required)


Please note that the use of drones is prohibited anywhere in Gwaii Haanas.

More information
Visitor roles and responsibilities

Reservations are booked on a first-come first-served basis.

I assume the role of primary point-of-contact for my group.

I will submit a route map prior to our trip (route map template will be provided to you during the mandatory orientation).

All members of my party will attend a mandatory orientation.

Privacy statement: visitor reservation

The information you provide is collected under the authority of section 8 of the Canada National Parks Act, for the purpose of administering visitation and visitor activities to Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve, National Marine Conservation Area Reserve and Haida Heritage Site.

Participation in activities at Gwaii Haanas is voluntary. Refusal to provide personal information will prevent you from enjoying Gwaii Haanas.

Your personal information is administered in accordance with the Canada National Parks Act and the Privacy Act. You have the right to the protection of, access to, and correction of your personal information, which is described in Personal Information Bank “High Risk Activities” PC PPU 069.

Instructions for obtaining this information are outlined in the government publication entitled Info Source, which is available at the following web site address:

You have the right to file a complaint with the Privacy Commissioner of Canada regarding the agency’s handling your personal information at:

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