Establishment Agreement

Visitor Use and Park Management

6.07 Inuvialuit review of park information

Any information concerning Inuvialuit history or culture on Banks Island which is prepared by the CPS for public distribution shall not be released for public distribution without the written consent of the IRC and consultation with the SHHTC and the SHCC .

6.08 Air access

The Management Plan may include provision for Visitor access by aircraft at designated sites within the Park. Air access guidelines shall be developed by the CPS in consultation with the SHHTC and the SHCC. Designated aircraft landing sites shall be identified in the Interim Management Guidelines and shall be re-evaluated with other potential sites during the development of the Management Plan. Storage of fuel of any kind shall not be permitted at these landing sites except as may be required for reasonable Park management and operational purposes, for the conduct of research authorized by the CPS, or for the use of Inuvialuit in support of Subsistence Usage, trapping or activities set out in 6.13.

6.09 Operational centre

The CPS shall establish a park office in Sachs Harbour within one year of the signing of this Agreement, and a permanent national park operational centre in Sachs Harbour within four years. An officer at least the level of Park Warden shall be based year-round in this office. Visitor reception services shall be established in the operational centre in order to provide Visitors with information on opportunities and services available in the Park. This facility shall also dispense information provided by the GNWT concerning Visitor opportunities and services available elsewhere on Banks Island.

6.10 Visitor registration

Prior to entry into the Park, Visitors shall be required to register in person, by phone, or other appropriate means at the national park operational centre. Subject to legislation concerning access to information and privacy, the CPS shall make available upon request information about Visitors to the SHHTC and the SHCC. CPS shall endeavour to provide such information in a manner suitable to the requester.

6.11 Visitor accommodation facilities

Visitor accommodation facilities may be established in the Park in accordance with demand and in keeping with the wilderness character of the Park. The location, scale and character of any such facilities shall comply with the terms of the Management Plan. Demand for such facilities shall be determined through a Visitor market analysis carried out by the CPS in consultation with the GNWT, the SHCC, the SHHTC, the IGC , and the IRC . This analysis shall be completed as part of the data base analysis for preparation of alternative plan concepts during the development of the Park Management Plan.

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