Establishment Agreement

Visitor Use and Park Management

6.12 Firearms

When acting in the capacity of Guides for Park Visitors, or when hired as Guides to provide firearm protection by Park Visitors or by other Guides, Inuvialuit shall be permitted to carry and discharge firearms for Visitor protection. Any Visitors, outfitters or Guides requesting firearm protection shall be referred by the CPS to the SHHTC .

6.13 Guidelines for Inuvialuit guides

When acting as Guides for commercial sports hunts outside of the Park, and subject to regulations enacted under the National Parks Act:

a) Inuvialuit may transport their clients and equipment across Park lands by motorized means to sport hunting areas outside the Park, provided that the most direct route reasonable is taken;

b) the Guides shall ensure that their sport hunting clients who are to be transported through the Park are registered as Park Visitors at the operational centre in Sachs Harbour; and

c) no Park Visitor shall hunt or discharge a firearm within the Park.

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