1.0 Executive Summary

Aulavik National Park

Management Plan

1.0 Executive Summary

Park management plans guide park managers in the protection, management and operation of a national park. A park's management plan outlines the appropriate balance of preservation, education and visitor use goals and sets out the framework and priorities for achieving them. It also identifies a strategy for park managers, stakeholders and the general public for working together over the long term.

The Aulavik National Park Management Plan was prepared cooperatively between Parks Canada and Inuvialuit interests.

The opportunity for the broader Canadian public to contribute their knowledge, expertise and suggestions was also a cornerstone of the planning process. Public meetings were held in Sachs Harbour, Inuvik and Yellowknife to review drafts of the plan.

Muskoxen © Parks Canada Muskoxen
© Parcs Canada

This plan sets out the strategy for the care and management of Aulavik as a wild, unspoiled Arctic wilderness with outstanding natural and cultural values. It recognizes the right of Inuvialuit for continued subsistence usage in the park, reflecting the importance of traditional users who value the land, and ensuring that the park remains an oasis of beauty as well as a model of conservation practices.

In keeping with the National Parks Act and the park establishment agreement, this plan will be reviewed, with public involvement, every five years.

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