Appendix A - Definition of Terms

Aulavik National Park

Management Plan

Appendix A - Definition of Terms

ANPEA : "An Agreement for the Establishment of a National Park on Banks Island."

benchmark : a point of reference for measurement.

conservation : the management of wildlife populations and habitat to ensure the maintenance of the quality, including the long term optimum productivity, of these resources and to ensure the efficient utilization of the available harvest (IFA definition).

CWS : Canadian Wildlife Service.

designated landing area : a natural, unimproved area of the park identified by the park management plan where, under a valid permit issued by the superintendent, an aircraft (fixed or rotary wing) may land. No physical improvements have been, or will be made to designated landing areas. In the case of fixed-wing aircraft, a designated landing area allows access to short take-off and landing (STOL) aircraft equipped with "tundra" tires. All landings are at the pilot's discretion. Designated landing areas are not maintained in any way.

EISC : Environmental Impact Screening Committee.

ecological integrity : a condition where the structure and function of an ecosystem are unimpaired by human-caused stresses and are likely to persist. A more technical definition would be: a state of ecosystem development that is optimized for its geographic location. For parks and protected areas, this optimal state has been referred to by such terms as natural, naturally evolving, pristine, and untouched. It implies that ecosystem structures and functions are unimpaired by human-caused stresses, that native species are present at viable population levels and that, within successional limits, the system is likely to persist. Ecosystems with integrity do not exhibit the trends associated with stressed ecosystems. Parks and protected areas are part of larger ecosystems and determinations of integrity in national parks must consider these larger systems.

ecosystem : group of organisms and its accompanying cycles, processes, structures and energy flows. Ecosystems are systems of interacting organisms and species, including humans, and their non-biological environments. For example a tundra ecosystem is made up of muskoxen, wolves, lemmings, people, lichens, mosses, shrubs, grasses, cold dark winters, rivers, rain and snow and wind, soil and permafrost. It also includes the relationships, such as muskoxen eating lichen, wolves eating caribou, people hunting wolves and muskoxen, lemmings digging in the ground, and windblown snow blasting the shrubs.

FJMC : Fisheries Joint Management Committee.

GNWT : Government of the Northwest Territories.

GNWT-DRWED : Government of the Northwest Territories - Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development.

Inuvialuit Final Agreement: the agreement which settled the Western Arctic Land Claim of the Inuvialuit, originally brought forward by the Committee for Original Peoples Entitlement. Also referred to as the IFA.

Inuvialuit Settlement Region : the area of the western Arctic that is under the jurisdiction of the IFA.

in situ : in the original location. For example, in situ cultural artifacts means that the artifacts have not been removed from the location of their discovery.

IFA : Inuvialuit Final Agreement.

IGC : Inuvialuit Game Council.

IRC : Inuvialuit Regional Corporation.

ISR : Inuvialuit Settlement Region.

monitoring : is an effort that:

  • provides repeatable ecological measurements that influence natural resource management decisions, or
  • monitors either long term changes in regional ecosystems or specific threats to those ecosystems.

SHHTC : Sachs Harbour Hunters and Trappers Committee.

SHCC : Sachs Harbour Community Corporation

subsistence usage: the taking of wildlife by Inuvialuit for their personal use for food and clothing, including the taking of wildlife for the purpose of trade or barter (IFA definition).

traditional knowledge: knowledge that comes from, or is rooted in the traditional way of life of people. Traditional knowledge is the accumulated knowledge and understanding of the human place in relation to the universe. This encompasses spiritual relationships with the natural environment and the use of natural resources, relationships between people, and is reflected in language, social organization, values, institutions, and laws.

WMAC-NWT : Wildlife Management Advisory Council (NWT).

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