11.2 Decision Statement

Aulavik National Park

Management Plan

11.2 Decision Statement

The Aulavik National Park Draft Management Plan (Parks Canada, 1997) was subjected to an environmental assessment pursuant to the Cabinet Directive, "The Environmental Assessment Process for Policy and Program Proposals" (Federal Environmental Assessment and Review Office, 1993). The environmental assessment was conducted during the final draft stages of the management planning program to ensure that the environmental effects of the initiatives contained in the plan were fully considered before irrevocable decisions had been taken. The analysis of environmental effects included a consideration of natural, cultural and socio-economic effects.

The environmental assessment focussed on three major initiatives within the Draft Management Plan that could result in environmental effects. These initiatives have been described in detail in the Management Plan, and have been briefly described within this report. The three initiatives which were subject to environmental assessment included scientific research and monitoring, cultural resource management and visitation. These initiatives will be subject to a more detailed environmental assessment as the proposals evolve from concept to design and implementation. The environmental effects from the three initiatives can be mitigated to insignificance by following established procedures and by implementing appropriate mitigative measures. The initiatives will therefore not result in any significant environmental effects to natural or cultural resources within Aulavik National Park.

The three initiatives were also assessed for cumulative environmental effects. The cumulative environmental effects from the combined initiatives within the Aulavik National Park Draft Management Plan (1997) can be monitored to ensure that the effects remain insignificant, or that mitigation can be implemented to prevent or reverse effects exceeding limits of acceptable change.

The Environmental Impact Screening Committee decided that, based on the information provided, the operation of Aulavik National Park in the manner described in the Management Plan will have no significant negative impact on the environment or Inuvialuit harvesting in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region [ IFA section 11.(13)(a)].

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