11.3 Socio-economic Statement

Aulavik National Park

Management Plan

11.3 Socio-economic Statement

Mercy River Falls © Parks Canada Mercy River Falls
© Parcs Canada

Parks Canada is committed to sustainable use, seeking to maximize the long-term social and economic benefits of national parks while protecting their natural and cultural integrity. To ensure that social and economic issues are assessed in the preparation of management plans for national parks, provision has been made for socio-economic input to be included in the management planning process.

The operation of Aulavik will provide a number of long-term jobs to the Inuvialuit Settlement Region. Parks Canada has been providing and will continue to provide training to Inuvialuit staff, which will better their chances for future employment. In addition to direct employment, operation of the park will result in expenditures in the region that are important to local economies.

The park will attract a growing number of tourists to the region. Residents of Sachs Harbour will have the opportunity to benefit economically through providing tourist services. The most important services will be guiding, outfitting and air charter.

The park has a social role in continuing to support the connection between the Inuvialuit and the land of Aulavik. Through recognition of Inuvialuit traditional knowledge about the park area, having predominantly Inuvialuit staff, and a community-based interpretation program, Aulavik will have a role in encouraging all people to continue to respect and value the land.

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