Appendix C - Memorandum of Understanding Concerning the Administration of Bird Sanctuaries Within National Parks

Aulavik National Park

Management Plan

Appendix C - Memorandum of Understanding Concerning the Administration of Bird Sanctuaries Within National Parks

Preamble Canada proposes to create national parks in the northern Baffin/Bylot Islands region and on Banks Island. The proposals include the Bylot Island Bird Sanctuary and the Banks Island Bird Sanctuary Number 2.

The Parties

The Canadian Wildlife Service of Environment Canada - Conservation and Protection (CWS) is responsible for Bird Sanctuaries under the authority of the Migratory Birds Convention Act.

The Canadian Parks Service of Environment Canada (CPS) is responsible for National Parks under the authority of the National Parks Act.


The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding is to confirm the basis on which the Parties agree to co-operate in the operation and management of Bird Sanctuaries and National Parks in northern Canada, where they coincide in whole or in part.


  1. The Parties share common goals of conservation and protection of natural resources.
  2. Both Parties may participate in consultations and negotiations which concern the National Parks or the Bird Sanctuaries.
  3. The Parties will co-operate in wildlife research and management affecting the Bird Sanctuaries or the National Parks, including preparation of park management plans, and sanctuary management plans. The Parties will meet at least annually to enhance inter-Service co-ordination.
  4. Each party will invite the other party to undertake wildlife research which it cannot carry out using its own staff.
  5. The appropriate contact for all matters concerning the Bird Sanctuaries is the Northern Operations Manager, CWS, Yellowknife, or his designate.
  6. The appropriate contact for all matters concerning the National Parks is the Northern Parks Advisor, CPS, Yellowknife, or his designate. When a Superintendent or field manager is appointed by CPS, that person will be the appropriate contact.
  7. The park wardens will be ex officio under the Migratory Birds Convention Act . CWS will provide any necessary specialized training for such officers.
  8. Each Bird Sanctuary will be managed as part of the National Park, in accordance with its requirements as a Bird Sanctuary. Management within each Bird Sanctuary will be in accordance with a sanctuary management plan, which will be incorporated into the park management plan.
  9. The Parties agree that the park management plans will allow for actions to be taken within the bird sanctuaries, when required pursuant to the Migratory Birds Convention Act and not inconsistent with the National Parks Act, to maintain or enhance critical habitats or population levels of migratory birds.
  10. The Parties will co-operate in any submissions for new resources related to the establishment and integrated resource management of the National Parks and Bird Sanctuaries.
  11. The Parties will co-operate in interpretation programs for the Bird Sanctuaries and the National Parks.
  12. Each Party is responsible for the administration of its respective mandate.
  13. This MOU may be reviewed at the time of any change in the status of the lands in question, at the times of review of the park management plan, or the sanctuary management plan, or otherwise as the Parties agree.

Signed this 1st day of May 1992 at Hull, Quebec.

(Original signed by D.L. Egar)

Assistant Deputy Minister
Conservation and Protection Environment Canada

(Original signed by Aimeé Lefebvre-Anglin)

Assistant Deputy Minister
Canadian Parks Service Environment Canada

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