Tundra monitoring

Quttinirpaaq National Park

Tundra ecosystem monitoring is ongoing at Quttinirpaaq National Park.

Plant phenology

Parks Canada staff collected plant phenology information every three days during the operation season for purple saxifrage and mountain avens in the experimental plots. Parks Canada staff also took photos of a sub-sample of the plots each monitoring day to be compared to previous counts conducted by Quttinirpaaq National Park.

Active layer depth

Active layer depth monitoring at the Circumpolar Active Layer Monitoring (CALM) grid was completed in early August of 2018. Parks Canada staff also collected the first year of information on the maximum depth of the active layer from a thaw tube installed in 2016.

Ground temperature sensor data were downloaded from the logger at the tundra monitoring station, as well as photos from the wildlife camera there. Data were also successfully recovered from the weather station at Tanquary Fiord.

An overview of the ecological integrity indicators associated with tundra monitoring at Quttinirpaaq National Park is contained in the park’s 2018 State of the park assessment.

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