Harvest Trail

Rouge National Urban Park

This family-friendly linear trail weaves through fields of crops, marshland, and shaded woodlots. Scenic lookouts and rest areas are offered along the trail. Visitors can observe farming in action, from planting to harvest, of crops like soy, corn and wheat. Keep to the trail to respect farming activity and for your safety. Harvest trail connects to the Black Walnut Day Use Area.

Location 10725 Reesor Rd, Markham

Lat: 43.937734, Long: -79.223041
Google Maps

Difficulty Easy 
Distance 5.1 km
Time 2 hours (one way)
Washrooms Flush toilets and sinks available at Black Walnut Day Use Area, and basic washrooms available at 19th Avenue Day Use Area
Parking Limited free parking is available all year at the Black Walnut Day Use Area and 19th Avenue Day Use Area
Accessibility information

Surface: Granular surface with boardwalk sections
Average width: 151 cm
Minimum width: 150 cm
Average slope: 2.7%
Maximum slope: 15%
Average cross slope: 2.3%
Maximum cross slope: 7.7%



Trail Map

Harvest trail map

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