Community Update: Bridge to be shifted into place

Trent-Severn Waterway National Historic Site

Primed Glen Ross Swing Bridge components

August 22, 2018 – Work on the Glen Ross Swing Bridge continues to progress. The contractor estimates that the bridge will be installed back onto its pivot by the end of August. Once installed, work will focus on completing mechanical and electrical connections on the bridge. A road reopening date is expected be announced as we near project completion.

In August, the contractor received the new span drive cylinders – hydraulic components that drive the bridge through its rotations. The components were installed on the bridge and new hydraulic lines were placed from the lockhouse to the bridge operator’s platform. Currently, the contractor is completing the third layer of paint coating to protect the steel from corrosion. Application of the paint took longer than expected due to the humid weather in August.

Hydraulic line installation

Concrete work has been ongoing at the site. Concrete foundations for the traffic gate, light, and warning sign for the south approach are placed. Additionally, the contractor has been forming the stairs on the north abutment and the south approach slab. Once the bridge is in place, the contractor will reconstruct the road and curb in line with the revised elevation of the bridge.
Work on Glen Ross Lock 7 and Swing Bridge is extending the life of these important assets for decades to come. Bridges such as this must be repaired periodically to ensure their operability and safety for the public. Once completed, the bridge will have a full highway load rating, which will offer long-term benefits to the citizens of Quinte West.

Parks Canada would like to thank the community for their continued patience as we complete this important infrastructure project. These historic investments will mitigate health and safety risks, halt the loss of nationally significant built heritage and stimulate the economy in communities across the country.

For More Information:

For up-to-date news about Parks Canada infrastructure work in this area, please visit If you have any questions about the Glen Ross Swing Bridge, or if you would like to receive email updates about this project, please email us at: and include “Glen Ross Swing Bridge” in the subject heading.

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