Community Update: Construction Update

Trent-Severn Waterway National Historic Site

Parks Canada’s construction projects on the Trent-Severn Waterway are considered part of the Agency’s critical services to the public and are currently proceeding. We will continue to communicate promptly if there are any changes in project status or schedule that impact the public.

Port SevernPort Severn Main Dam – March 6, 2020

April 16, 2020 – Work on the main dam located on Port Severn Road North includes a full demolition and reconstruction of the main dam, fixed bridge deck and piers, as well as concrete work on the bridge abutments.

Construction of sluices 5-9 of the main dam were completed by spring of 2020, in addition to a portion of the fixed bridge (Phase 1). Work on the west end of the dam began shortly thereafter (Phase 2). The installation of both the upstream and downstream cofferdams for Phase 2 are ongoing while contractors prepare to begin the demolition of sluices 1-4. The public can expect noise associated with heavy trucking and demolition to occur throughout this activity.

Projected completion of the main dam and bridge is spring of 2021, with minor site restoration activities to follow.

For More Information:

To join our communication distribution, or for questions or concerns, please contact us at and include “Port Severn” in the subject heading. For up to- date news about this or other infrastructure projects in your area, please visit

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