Lock 11-12 - Ranney Falls

Trent-Severn Waterway National Historic Site

Ranney Falls Locks are the first of two flight locks on the Waterway. Locks 11/12 are located at the south end of the Town of Campbellford. A short walk to the nearby suspension bridge to Ferris Provincial Park and the Rotary Trail offer excellent opportunities to stretch the legs. An excellent range of services is available nearby including a hospital, in this town of 3400 people.

Recent upgrades at Ranney Falls Generating Station allow for more efficient passing of water through the facility’s spillways and generators, increasing the velocity of river flows around the dam. Even boaters with experience in this area of the Trent-Severn Waterway are advised to take additional precautions. For more information visit the Ontario Power Generation website.

Getting here
  • Address: 15 Trent Dr, Campbellford, Ontario
  • Nautical chart: #2021 (more on Nautical charts)
  • Kilometer marker: 47.8 km (mile 29.7)
  • GPS: 44°17'24"N 77°48'04"W

Hours of Operation


Navigational data
  • Lock length: 46.9 m (154 ft)
  • Lock width: 9.7 m (32 ft)
  • Average lift: 14.6 m (48 ft)
  • Max. mooring period: 5 nights

Facilities and services
Constructed: 1910-1915

The site of an early timber slide, an artificial canal cut was built branching off the west side of the river to accommodate the dams, industries and bridges that existed in Campbellford. This flight lock (2 locks together) enabled vessels to bypass Ranney Falls. A private power plant was built adjacent to the locks and today you can also visit the Ranney Gorge Suspension Bridge located nearby.

Local tourism
Google Street View
Parks Canada on Youtube

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