Establishment Agreement

Inuvialuit Economic Opportunities and Training

7.01 Development of a tourism brochure

The GNWT , in consultation with IRC , SHHTC and SHCC , shall proceed, upon the signing of this Agreement, to produce, within one and one half years, a tourism brochure describing tourist attractions on Banks Island. The CPS shall include a copy of this brochure with any Visitor information about the Park which is mailed to the public.

7.02 CPS shall encourage use of guides

The CPS shall encourage the use of Inuvialuit Guides licensed to operate within the Park. The number of licences issued and the qualifications of persons seeking such licences shall be determined by CPS in consultation with the SHHTC and the GNWT having reasonable regard to Visitor needs, GNWT licencing requirements, the numbers and particular qualifications of the applicants and in accordance with regulations passed under the National Parks Act.

7.03 Public sector positions

When recruiting for public sector positions for the Park, Canada shall inform the Inuvialuit of employment opportunities as they arise by advertising in all the settlements in the Western Arctic Region and by communicating in writing to the IRC . The IRC shall co-operate with Canada to communicate this information to Inuvialuit. Inuvialuit who meet or exceed the qualifications stipulated in any competition for public sector positions with the Park shall be considered on a priority basis for recruitment to those positions. CPS shall avoid artificially inflated employment skill requirements not essential to the fulfillment of the responsibilities of the position.

7.04 Training

Prior to the signing of this Agreement, the CPS has, in consultation with the SHHTC, the SHCC, and the IRC, developed an employment and training strategy to assist Inuvialuit in gaining qualifications needed to compete for public sector positions related to the operation of the Park. The CPS shall begin the recruitment process for employment and training upon the signing of this Agreement.

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