2013-14 Report on Plans and Priorities

Supplementary Information Tables

User Fees

Name of User Fee Fee Type Fee-setting Authority Reason for Planned Introduction of or Amendment to Fee Effective Date of Planned Change Consultation and Review Process Planned
National Park and National Historic Site Entry Fees

Proposed amended fees
Other products and services Parks Canada Agency Act Adjustments to national pricing to keep pace with inflationary pressures on operational costs and to realign entry fees with the level of service being offered. 2013/2014


In 2011, Parks Canada announced a one year extension to the previously announced fee freeze due to the slow economic recovery. As such, all fees for entry, camping, canal lockage, recreation fees, fishing licenses, hot pools and business licenses have been frozen at 2008 rates until March 2013. Commercial fees will be frozen at 2009 rates until March 2014.

For the proposed 2013/14 and 2014/15 (commercial fees) adjustments, Parks Canada will consult on two levels in early 2013. National consultations will occur for all user fees that are to be applied nationally. The Agency will hold meetings with commercial group tour operators at travel trade shows, consult directly with national stakeholders and tourism interest groups and use social media.

For user fees of a unique local nature, to a national park, national historic site and national marine conservation area, Parks Canada will consult locally with the affected public, business operators, tourism partners and stakeholders through meetings with advisory and client groups and through direct mailings and posted notices.

In both instances notice will be provided on the Parks Canada website on the proposals for price increases.

A comparison of Parks Canada’s proposed fees with those charged by parks organizations in Canada and other countries will be conducted.

Pursuant to the User Fees Act, a national fee proposal will be tabled in parliament in mid 2013 prior to being submitted to the Minister responsible for Parks Canada for enactment.

National Park Camping

Proposed amended fees
Other products and services Parks Canada Agency Act Adjustments to national pricing to keep pace with inflationary pressures on operational costs. 2013/2014

Historic Canal Lockage Fees

Proposed amended fees
Other products and services Parks Canada Agency Act To earn a fair return for the use of these highly subsidized publicly owned resources.

The fees were last increased in 2005.

National Park and National Historic Site Recreation Fees

Proposed new fees and proposed amended fees
Other products and services Parks Canada Agency Act Adjustments to national pricing to keep pace with inflationary pressures on operational costs. 2013/2014

Hot Pool Fees

Proposed amended fees
Other products and services Parks Canada Agency Act No price adjustments required. Privatization of the operations of Hot Pools is in progress.  
Fishing License Fees

Proposed amended fees
Other products and services Parks Canada Agency Act To earn a fair return for the use of publicly owned resources. 2013/2014

Business Licenses 

Proposed new fees and Proposed amended fees
Other products and services Parks Canada Agency Act To earn a fair return for the commercial use of publicly owned resources.

The fees were previously increased in 1994.

* To respect our commitment to provide 18 months advance notice, implementation of the proposed new business fees and commercial rates will be 2014/15.

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