Establishment Agreement

Review and Amendment

11.01 Copies of agreements

CPS shall provide the Parties with copies of all agreements entered into between Canada and other aboriginal people related to the establishment, planning, operation and management of national parks. Such agreements shall be provided within a reasonable time of their execution.

11.02 Review of this agreement

Any Party may request a review of this Agreement, both from time to time and in concert with the management plan review process mandated by the National Parks Act.

11.03 Amendment

This Agreement may be amended with the written consent of the Parties.

DATED this _____________ day of __________________________, 1992.

FOR CANADA: The Honourable Jean Charest, Minister of the Environment

FOR THE INUVIALUIT: Roger Gruben, Chairman, Inuvialuit Regional Corporation

FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE NORTHWEST TERRITORIES: The Honourable John Pollard, Minister of Economic Development and Tourism


Andy Carpenter, Chairman, Inuvialuit Game Council

The Honourable Nellie Cournoyea, Government Leader


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