Establishment Agreement

Traditional Knowledge and Archaeological Specimens

5.01 Consultation

The CPS shall consult with the SHCC , the SHHTC , the IRC , and the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre on terms and conditions for approval of archaeological research permits and for the recording and documentation of traditional knowledge. The above agencies shall respond to requests from CPS in a timely manner. However, such activities shall not proceed as long as there are objections from the above Inuvialuit agencies.

5.02 Traditional knowledge

The CPS shall record and document Inuvialuit traditional knowledge of the natural and cultural resources in the Park as soon as reasonably possible following the signing of this agreement. Such records and documentation shall include details of Inuvialuit traditional beliefs, oral histories including legends, and the historical and cultural bases of place names within and adjacent to the Park.

5.03 Traditional knowledge research information available to Inuvialuit

CPS shall provide, upon request from the SHCC, the SHHTC or the IRC, copies of any reports, audio tapes, video tapes, transcripts or other materials produced or collected as part of the process of documenting traditional knowledge. Provision of such material shall be in accordance with Government procedures on access to and duplication of records and subject to access to information, protection of privacy and copyright legislation and to any agreements respecting records or the information contained in them.

5.04 Management of cultural resources

Cultural Resources in the Park, including sites which are themselves Cultural Resources, shall be managed in accordance with the Interim Management Guidelines or the Park Management Plan.

5.05 Burial sites

CPS shall not permit the disturbance of any burial site or human remains affiliated with Inuvialuit or Inuit culture without first consulting the SHHTC and the SHCC, and obtaining the written consent of the IRC. Any such disturbance shall be subject to the NWT Coroners Act.

5.06 Removal of archaeological specimens

Archaeological Specimens related to Inuvialuit, Dorset and Thule heritage, removed from the park in the course of archaeological research, shall be held in trust by CPS for the IRC, subject to any custody agreement entered into between the CPS and IRC. The CPS and IRC shall make best efforts to negotiate such a custody agreement within five years of the execution of this Agreement. Upon reasonable notice by the IRC, CPS shall deliver any such Archaeological Specimens to a facility designated by the IRC, provided that the facility will provide public access to such specimens, and that it observes at least the minimum standards prescribed by the Alberta Museums Association in its "Standards Practice Handbook for Museums" for the care and handling of archaeological objects. No Archaeological Specimen shall be subject to sampling or investigative methodology which may destroy, modify or otherwise alter the character of the specimen, without the written permission of the Chairman of the IRC.

5.07 Use of artifacts for visitor interpretation and education

Archaeological Specimens or replicas selected by the CPS in consultation with the SHCC or the SHHTC shall be retained in Sachs Harbour for the purposes of interpretive programs for Visitors and the education of Inuvialuit. Such selection and retention shall be subject to maintaining the integrity of Archaeological Site Assemblages for further research and the availability of suitable facilities.

5.08 Cultural resources owned by Inuvialuit

Any Cultural Resource, the ownership of which can be traced to a living Inuvialuk, shall not be removed from the Park without the written consent of that Inuvialuk.

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