5.1 Visitor Guideline

Aulavik National Park

Management Plan

5.1 Visitor Guideline

Section 6.04 of the ANPEA provides guidance in visitor management:

"In the ongoing planning administration ...particular emphasis shall be placed on the timing, location and means of Visitor access, in the interests of both Visitor safety and of protection of the Natural and Cultural Resources of the Park."

In addition to this direction, the following guidelines will apply to visitor management:

  • All park visitors will be required to be self sufficient and use no-trace camping techniques.
  • All park visitors must be self-reliant.
  • Because natural fuel is scarce in the park, visitors will not be allowed to collect wood or other vegetation for fires, or for burning garbage. Only camp stoves will be allowed.
  • Natural and cultural resources and wilderness experiences along the Thomsen River will be protected by closely monitoring use levels and impacts, and managing the numbers and schedules of travellers.
  • A variety of direct and indirect strategies will be used for managing public use such as limiting access, controlling group sizes, scheduling and education to ensure protection of the natural and cultural environment and to ensure the opportunity for an outstanding wilderness experience.
  • If necessary, strategies will be developed to ensure that visitors' activities do not impact on traditional users.
  • Information relating to visitor impacts on ecosystems and cultural resources will be gathered and applied in decision making.
  • No in-park visitor facilities, either Parks Canada or commercial, will be established (if any) until the visitor market analysis has been reviewed, as required by the ANPEA (6.11).
  • Because of the intensity of visitor use associated with cruise ship visitation, a Parks Canada employee will be on site for all cruise ships visiting the park. The costs associated with ensuring the presence of a Parks Canada employee will be borne by the company chartering the cruise ship.

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