5.2 Waste Management

Aulavik National Park

Management Plan

5.2 Waste Management

In a fragile Arctic environment, the control and management of garbage and human waste requires special consideration. It is expected that over time a small, yet potentially significant number of visitors will travel to Aulavik. Most of this use will be concentrated along the Thomsen River. Visitor use and regular park management activities such as research and general operations have the potential to create impacts on water quality, damage aquatic ecosystems, attract wildlife and degrade visitor experiences. Parks Canada will establish stringent codes of practice and visitor use guidelines to ensure that wastes are collected and disposed of in a manner that is both environmentally suitable and responsible.

To achieve this, the following waste management guidelines will be applied to visitor use in Aulavik:

  • A pack-in, pack-out policy for garbage will apply to all visitors, including researchers and park staff.
  • For the time being, visitors will be allowed to dispose of human waste in the park. As methods of disposal of human waste in the Arctic can differ from more southern climates and environments, information will be available to all visitors when they register. Through careful monitoring of use along the Thomsen River, it should be evident if this policy is effective or not. Depending on levels of use, and results of ongoing monitoring, it may be necessary in the future to implement a removal policy for human waste.
  • Research activities or regular park operations may require that base camps be set up for periods of up to one or more months. In situations such as these, human waste will be collected and stored for removal from the park when that project is completed.
  • Grey water can be defined as waste water resulting from food preparation, dish cleaning and laundry. Disposal methods for grey water can vary, and guidelines designed to inform visitors as to appropriate disposal will be prepared. The information will be given to visitors during the registration process.

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