5.5 Park Presentation

Aulavik National Park

Management Plan

5.5 Park Presentation

In support of the development of this management plan, a framework for a marketing and tourism strategy was prepared (1996, Parks Canada). This framework sets out a course of action for developing a detailed strategy for client based presentation of the park and development of its tourism potential. The framework recommends two areas of action:

  1. Development of a public education strategy to deliver key messages to the Canadian public who are unlikely to ever visit the park, but can benefit through vicarious education and enjoyment.
  2. Development of a marketing strategy targeted at current and potential visiting clients, tourism operators, and the broad global tourism industry.

The following actions will be pursued for park presentation:

  • A marketing strategy based on the framework described above will be completed and implemented. It will be coordinated with the marketing efforts for other parks and national historic sites in the Western Arctic.
  • Interpretive themes and messages will be developed for use in public communications.

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