5.3 Air Access

Aulavik National Park

Management Plan

5.3 Air Access

Visitor access to Aulavik is generally by aircraft. Aircraft access guidelines for the park are required to direct access to areas capable of sustaining visitation while minimizing potential impacts on wildlife and the wilderness experience of other visitors.

  • Park managers will work with charter and scheduled air service companies to develop altitude and operating guidelines. These guidelines may include recommended flying altitudes and routes to minimize impacts on wildlife and visitors, as well as temporal and overflight restrictions to protect critical wildlife habitats at certain times of year.
  • No airstrips will be constructed, developed or serviced in the park. Landings are at pilot's discretion at all approved, designated landing areas in the park (see Appendix A - Glossary for definition of "designated landing area").
  • All landings require a landing permit issued by Parks Canada.
  • A minimum of 300 metres is required for flights over the Banks Island Migratory Bird Sanctuary No. 2.
  • Air access applications to other sites in the park will be considered in support of multi-day, no-trace activities that encourage appreciation and understanding of the wilderness environment. Requests for access will be scrutinized carefully for potential impacts on the natural and cultural environment and on visitor wilderness experience.
  • Float plane access will be assessed on a case by case basis. The designation of a permanent float plane landing site will be assessed on the basis of level of demand, impacts etc.

The following areas are identified for air access (see Map II - Aulavik National Park):

  • Nangmagvik Lake (Polar Bear cabin)
  • Castel Bay
  • South boundary
  • Green cabin

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