Jasper National Park

Jasper National Park of Canada

Marmot Basin Ski Area Site Guidelines for Development and Use

5.0 Site Guidelines

This section outlines the existing situation, policy direction, objectives and Marmot Basin specific Site Guidelines for development and use.

The Site Guidelines reflect concepts that Marmot Basin wishes to have considered and that Parks Canada has determined to be acceptable from a policy basis subject to approval of a Long-Range Plan and a positive determination under CEAA. They also outline how Marmot Basin can further contribute to Parks Canada's mandate. Over time it is anticipated that the ski area may wish to advance initiatives beyond those identified in the Site Guidelines. These may be considered if they are consistent with the intent of the Ski Area Management Guidelines, the Site Guidelines, the Park Management Plan and advanced through a Long-Range Plan. Projects that are consistent with an approved Long-Range Plan can proceed to the permitting stage. Projects that are advanced that are variations of those outlined in an approved in a Long-Range Plan but consistent with the intent of the plan will need to be assessed to determine whether the associated environmental assessment adequately assesses the project.

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