Jasper National Park

Jasper National Park of Canada

Marmot Basin Ski Area Site Guidelines for Development and Use

5.12 Summer Use

Ski Area Management Guidelines

"Proposals for changes in summer use or new initiatives will only be considered where it can be clearly demonstrated that ecological issues can be successfully addressed. A precautionary approach will be applied to decisions on summer use.

In order to consider new summer use and changes to existing summer use, proposals must demonstrate that the following criteria will be met:

  • No significant increase in wildlife-human conflict, wildlife displacement, access to sensitive areas or in human caused wildlife mortality.
  • Wildlife habitat and movement patterns are protected.
  • Visitor use is concentrated to minimize wildlife impacts. There is no significant increase in access to sensitive areas nor increase in visitor use adjacent to the ski area.
  • The focus is on learning about the park and world heritage site. Services and activities that are in direct support of facilitating visitor learning opportunities can also be considered.

New activities will only be considered if they are consistent with the park management plan or related park wide direction.

  • Education must be an essential aspect of any new summer use outside the base area.
  • The experience reinforces the location in a national park.
  • Potential impacts on other park users are satisfactorily addressed.
  • Initiatives complement broader area land use strategies.

Site Guidelines for each ski area will identify site-specific requirements. Decisions on summer use will be determined through a Long-Range Plan and application of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act.

Where summer use is permitted it will be carefully managed to ensure ecological values are not compromised. Ongoing monitoring programs will be put in place to ensure ecological issues are being effectively addressed. Additional mitigations will be put in place if necessary."

Pages 5 and 6, Ski Area Management Guidelines, Minister of Environment, December 7, 2006

Park Management Plan Direction

  • Maintain habitat quality and connectivity for wildlife.
  • Maintain secure habitat for large carnivores.
  • Reduce human caused wildlife mortality.


  • In assessing any future summer use proposal, ensure that habitat and habitat connectivity requirements established in the Jasper National Park of Canada Management Plan for large carnivores and protected species are maintained or achieved and that education is a cornerstone of the visitor opportunity.
  • Minimize the impact of maintenance activities on wildlife habitat and habituation.

Existing Situation

  • Summer use is currently limited to the occasional banquet at the lower chalet and maintenance activities.
  • No changes in summer use are being pursued by Marmot Basin in the context of these Site Guidelines.
  • The Jasper Tramway located on Whistlers Mountain provides park visitors with lift assisted access to the alpine in the spring, summer and fall.
  • Portions of Jasper National Park, including portions of the Marmot Basin leasehold, are located in summer grizzly habitat.
  • Portions of the existing ski area leasehold are located in important caribou and goat habitat.

Site Guidelines

5.12.1 Decisions on any future proposals for new or expanded summer use will only made through a Long-Range Plan, application of CEAA and if the criteria identified in the Ski Area Management Guidelines are met.

5.12.2 Develop protocols for summer construction and maintenance activities for ski area staff and contractors to minimize the impacts on grizzly bears similar to those used at the Lake Louise ski area.

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