Jasper National Park

Jasper National Park of Canada

Marmot Basin Ski Area Site Guidelines for Development and Use

5.13 National Park Experience and Education

The look and nature of the facilities, services and operational practices of the ski area can contribute directly to a unique and memorable national park experience.

Ski Area Management Guidelines

"The nature of ski area operations and visitor experiences will reflect and reinforce its location in a national park and world heritage site consistent with expectations for communities and outlying commercial accommodation.

Ski areas will be encouraged to provide winter educational opportunities that focus on the heritage values of the park and world heritage site as a component of the skiing/snowboarding experience.

Page 6 and 7, Ski Area Management Guidelines, Minister of Environment, December 7, 2006


  • The ski area will reflect its location in a national park setting to enhance visitor experience.
  • Heritage tourism will be an important aspect of winter operations .

Existing Situation

  • There are limited heritage interpretation opportunities for skiers/snowboarders.
  • There are no unifying architectural themes for buildings nor guidance for viewscapes, noise, lighting nor signage to reinforce the setting in a national park.

Site Guidelines

5.13.1 Matters related to viewscapes, noise and external lighting will be addressed in Best Management Practices.

5.13.2 Park-wide direction for new signage and new external advertisement will be applied at the ski area.

5.13.3 A heritage tourism strategy will be outlined in a Long-Range Plan. It will include approaches for winter education.

5.13.4 A winter education program will be put into place for Marmot staff and visitors to better protect sensitive areas/species, promote environmental stewardship and to facilitate public safety.

5.13.5 The ski area will be encouraged to outline an architectural theme for new buildings and exterior building improvements in a Long-Range Plan in order to facilitate development review of projects.

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