Jasper National Park

Jasper National Park of Canada

Marmot Basin Ski Area Site Guidelines for Development and Use

5.14 Environmental Stewardship

Ski Area Management Guidelines

"An environmental management system and monitoring system, consistent with the environmental policies and the principles identified in Sustainable Slopes, The Environmental Charter for Ski Areas, will be a component of a Long-Range Plan."

Page 7, Ski Area Management Guidelines , Minister of Environment, December 7, 2006


  • Provide leadership in environmental stewardship.
  • Minimize environmental impacts.

Existing Situation

  • While the ski area has been recognized for its environmental stewardship initiatives, a comprehensive program is needed that addresses the breadth of potential environmental stewardship opportunities.
  • A Best Management Practices manual is currently being developed in collaboration with ski area operators.

Site Guidelines

5.14.1 An environmental management and monitoring system geared to improving environmental performance based on the Sustainable Slopes, Environmental Charter for Ski Areas 7 will be outlined in a Long-Range Plan.

7 The Sustainable Slopes charter is a voluntary program that was developed by the USA National Ski Areas Association.

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