Jasper National Park

Jasper National Park of Canada

Marmot Basin Ski Area Site Guidelines for Development and Use

5.16 Utilities and Infrastructure

Ski Area Management Guidelines

"Infrastructure (eg. water, sewer, power) capacity increase can be considered. Infrastructure must have sufficient capacity and meet environmental standards before ski area growth can take place.

Exceptions will not be considered for infrastructure requirements".

Page 5, Ski Area Management Guidelines , Minister of Environment, December 7, 2006


  • Ensure the development of environmentally friendly, efficient utilities and infrastructure necessary to support a successful ski area operation.

Existing Situation

  • The principle power source is electricity, which is generated locally. Jasper is not part of the provincial power grid. There is a limited power supply. The majority of changes contemplated in these site guidelines are anticipated to be achievable within the existing power supply through efficiencies in new/renovated facilities and ski area energy conservation programs.
  • Black and grey water undergoes primary treatment at the ski hill and is then released to ground from open lagoons below the ski hill base area. Solids are transported to the municipal treatment plant.

Site Guidelines

5.16.1 The power system must have the capacity and capability to support growth before development proposals that require additional power are implemented.

5.16.2 Installation of a new water line from parking lot 4 to the base chalet can be considered.

5.16.3 Ensure waste water effluent targets, established in a Long-Range Plan are met. An addition of a third 'cell' to the existing lagoon system can be considered.

5.16.4 The use of alternative, clean power can be explored (eg wind generated).

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