4.1.2 Further Work in Ecosystem Management

Aulavik National Park

Management Plan

4.1.2 Further Work in Ecosystem Management

Traditional meat cache along the Thomsen River © Parks Canada Traditional meat cache along the Thomsen River
© Parcs Canada

Further work will be required in the areas of natural and cultural resource management for the park. This work will take its direction from this management plan and will focus on more specific objectives and actions for the maintenance of the park's ecological integrity and management of the park's ecosystems. It will consider the principles of ecosystem-based management, and will therefore consider the park in the context of the larger ecosystem and several jurisdictions.

The work plan will be cooperatively developed between Parks Canada and the Sachs Harbour Hunters and Trappers Committee, the Wildlife Management Advisory Council, ( IGC ), the Fisheries Joint Management Committee and other resource managers in the region. An important reference in this work will be the Sachs Harbour Community Conservation Plan (1992). Work will use, as a basis for describing the park's fundamental values, the ecological integrity statement described in 3.4. It will focus on the following subject areas:

  1. Defining the steps for Parks Canada's consultation with the Inuvialuit through the co-management process.
  2. Describing and mapping the Aulavik ecosystems.
  3. Defining specific ecological goals to maintain the integrity of the park. The term ecological integrity integrates both the natural and cultural environment.
  4. Selecting indicators and defining benchmarks of ecological integrity for the park, and threats to maintaining the park's long term ecological integrity.
  5. Developing action plans to deal with known or potential threats to the ecological integrity of the park.
  6. Developing and implementing a park ecological monitoring program that also contributes to monitoring regional ecosystem health.
  7. Addressing regional and park wildlife management issues.
  8. Developing and sharing a geographic resource data base between key agencies and groups to promote analysis, effective decision-making and information exchange and display.
  9. Finding mutually satisfactory solutions to transboundary concerns and enhancing regional ecosystem health.
  10. Other items as identified through consultation.

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