4.3.2 Inuvialuit History, Culture and Involvement

Aulavik National Park

Management Plan

4.3.2 Inuvialuit History, Culture and Involvement

The cultural environment of Aulavik encompasses a range of cultural resources, cultural activities, and ongoing Inuvialuit use of the land. Within the cultural environment are archaeological and historical sites, Inuvialuit knowledge of the land and its history, and the continuing ties between Inuvialuit and Banks Island. Inuvialuit oral histories and traditional knowledge are an important cultural component of the park, and will help to guide park management. There are Inuvialuit names for many special places, plants and animals. These names should be documented and used in park material wherever possible. By their actions, park managers will promote respect for Inuvialuit culture, language and traditions, both past and present.

  • The importance of Inuvialuit culture, present day Inuvialuit use, and historic resources will be recognized.
  • Inuvialuit communities, particularly Sachs Harbour, as well as elders and organizations, will be consulted to ensure Inuvialuit participation in cultural resource management, the use of Inuvialuktun (the Inuvialuit language) and cultural information in park management and interpretive messages.

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