4.2.1 Research and Monitoring

Aulavik National Park

Management Plan

4.2.1 Research and Monitoring

The park management objectives express the importance of research and monitoring in the maintenance of ecological integrity. Aulavik represents the western Arctic lowlands natural region and provides an example of ecosystem integrity within this region. Ecosystem-based management goals will be adaptive and will be established at local and regional scales.

Coordination of research and monitoring between Parks Canada, other government agencies and research partners will occur through the co-management process (see 8.2 - Interagency Cooperation and 4.1.2 - Ecosystem Conservation Plan).

  • Species and processes judged to be indicators of ecological integrity, including cultural resources will be monitored.
  • Cooperation between Parks Canada and research partners will be encouraged to ensure regionally integrated and coordinated research and management (see 8.0 - Regional Integration).
  • Research and monitoring activities will be managed to ensure that they have negligible environmental impact and are subjected to environmental assessment.
  • Priority will be given to research that is supported by neighbouring communities and is integrated regionally.
  • Traditional (Inuvialuit) ecological knowledge will be used.
  • Environmental impacts in higher-use areas such as the Thomsen River area and cultural sites identified in 6.0 - Zoning will be monitored.
  • The condition of vegetation in potential high use areas, such as campsites and trails will be monitored. Information from this monitoring will help to direct management practices to avoid or eliminate environmental impacts.
  • Data for national State of Parks reporting will be collected.
  • Park managers will work with wildlife management agencies in monitoring the endangered Peary caribou.
  • Other ecosystem research and monitoring, appropriate to the park's objectives, will be undertaken as priorities, financial resources and public safety issues demand.

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