4.3 Cultural Environment

Aulavik National Park

Management Plan

4.3 Cultural Environment

Cultural resources are important aspects of the environment. By gaining a better understanding of the relationships between cultural and natural environments, park managers will enhance their ability to manage park resources.

Cultural resource management within Aulavik will involve the community of Sachs Harbour and the IRC . These resources will be managed in accordance with Parks Canada Cultural Resource Management Policy and this management plan. This policy is based on the principles of value, public benefit, understanding, respect and integrity. It also sets out a practice for cultural resource management as follows:

  1. Inventory; the park's cultural resources should be inventoried for initial consideration of value. An Archaeology Custody Agreement between Parks Canada and the IRC will be developed, in accordance with the ANPEA (5.06) which will direct the care and guardianship of archaeological resources from Aulavik.
  2. Evaluation; the resources should be evaluated for their heritage values, including vulnerability to threats, scientific and interpretive potential and local values.
  3. Decision making; the historic value of all cultural resources and actions affecting them should be considered in all park management actions, including development of park management plans.
  4. Monitoring; relates to both site monitoring and monitoring of management decisions and actions to ensure that the resources are being managed effectively.

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