4.2.3 Management of Banks Island Bird Sanctuary No. 2

Aulavik National Park

Management Plan

4.2.3 Management of Banks Island Bird Sanctuary No. 2

Banks Island Migratory Bird Sanctuary No. 2 was established in 1961 to protect moulting concentrations of lesser snow geese along the Thomsen River valley and adjacent wetlands. The sanctuary encompasses approximately 142 km².

A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) (Appendix C) was developed between the Canadian Wildlife Service (CWS) and Parks Canada in 1992. The MOU serves to confirm the basis on which the CWS and Parks Canada agree to cooperate in the operation and management of the bird sanctuary.

A management plan for all bird sanctuaries in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region was prepared by the CWS in 1992. Selected portions that apply to Banks Island Migratory Bird Sanctuary No. 2, including management goals, objectives and policies, have been included as Appendix E.

Continuing dialogue and communication between the Canadian Wildlife Service and Parks Canada will ensure that the management objectives and requirements of both agencies are met. Wherever possible, the two agencies will co-operate with logistical arrangements to ensure cost-effective utilization of resources.

The permitting process for access to Banks Island Bird Sanctuary No. 2 will be as follows:

  • The regular Parks Canada visitor registration will apply. Parks Canada will provide CWS with an annual summary of the visitor data so that CWS can be kept informed of how much use the sanctuary is receiving (Understanding 3 of the MOU).
  • For research, a one permit system (e.g. Parks Canada Research Permit) will be adopted, providing that CWS has the opportunity to review all applications that pertain to the sanctuary.
  • Parks Canada will be the first contact for all applications to conduct research in the sanctuary and it is Parks Canada's responsibility to ensure screening by the Environmental Impact Screening Committee.
  • If CWS wished to conduct research in the sanctuary pursuant to the Migratory Birds Convention Act, CWS may proceed with this research provided that it is not inconsistent with the National Parks Act (Understanding 9 of the MOU).

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