4.3.1 Inventory, Research and Monitoring Program

Aulavik National Park

Management Plan

4.3.1 Inventory, Research and Monitoring Program

Cultural research in support of park objectives will be monitored. Inventory of sites in Aulavik is underway, with 186 archaeological sites assessed in the park. This inventory should be completed as a priority. An oral history has been completed for Aulavik/Sachs Harbour which will comprise a major part of this inventory. A memorandum of understanding will be developed between Parks Canada and appropriate Inuvialuit representation regarding future research on traditional knowledge and oral histories.

Priority for research should be given to areas that are most sensitive to human and natural impacts, or those sites which are identified as Culturally Sensitive Areas (see 6.0- Zoning). On this basis, priority will be given to the following areas:

  • the Thomsen River watercourse as an area in the park with the highest potential for visitor use; and
  • the site of the Investigator, Head Hill and the Nasogaluak archaeological complex, as Culturally Sensitive Areas.

In addition:

  • Cooperation between Parks Canada and other researchers and agencies in cultural research will be encouraged.
  • Priority will be given to research that is supported by neighbouring communities and is integrated regionally.
  • Community-based cultural research, including oral histories and traditional knowledge research, will be supported.
  • Cooperation with community cultural agencies in the interpretation and presentation of findings to visitors, residents and the public will be encouraged.

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