2024-03-07 Celebrating International Womens Day 2024

Dear colleagues,

Tomorrow marks International Women’s Day, and this year, the Government of Canada has chosen to promote the United Nations theme “Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress.” It serves as both a call to action and a reminder of the vital importance of gender equality in fostering healthier, more prosperous, and more inclusive communities.

Each of us has a role in creating a future where every individual can reach their full potential without barriers or biases. Whether through fostering diversity and inclusion in our workplaces, advocating for policies that support gender equality, or actively challenging stereotypes and discrimination, our actions matter.

Later today, as part of the celebration, Parks Canada’s Network of Women Employees will present a dynamic panel featuring inspiring leaders from across Parks Canada, and a special guest from the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto. These individuals are dedicated to inclusivity, championing equality, and driving positive change in both their professional and personal lives. We invite you to join the conversation and learn how you can contribute to the progress and advancement of women and gender equity across the organization and beyond.

Live broadcast

For more information about additional activities and events organised for the International Women’s Day, visit ParksNet.

Happy International Women’s Day!


Julie Tompa & Christine Loth-Bown

Co-Champions of the Network for Women Employees


Ron Hallman

President & CEO


Reminder to managers: In keeping with Parks Canada’s procedures for communications with employees, managers are responsible for ensuring all team members under their responsibility receive the information intended for them. It is important that you find a means to transmit this message and, if any, the attachment(s) to employees without access to Parks Canada e-mail or the intranet, e.g. by posting it, circulating a paper copy or by any other appropriate means.


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