2024 CEO Awards of Excellence – Call for nominations

Dear colleagues,

As we continue to strive for excellence and celebrate the outstanding contributions of Parks Canada team members, it is with great pleasure that I announce the launch of the 2024 edition of the CEO Awards of Excellence. These awards showcase the exceptional accomplishments of team members as well as those of our partners. Across the country, Parks Canada team members consistently demonstrate remarkable commitment, innovation, and excellence in their roles, contributing to the success and growth of our organization.

I invite you to celebrate the individual and collective achievements of your colleagues by nominating them in one of the following categories:

  • Protect
  • Present
  • Commemorate
  • Leadership
  • Innovation
  • Inclusive, diverse, and healthy organization
  • Spirit of Collaboration
  • Outstanding Career
  • Unsung Hero

To guide you through the nomination process, please follow these steps:

  1. Carefully review the CEO Awards of Excellence guidelines.
  2. Consult the “Writing Effective Nominations” guide.
  3. Complete the nomination form (NEW - now in electronic format through Google Forms).
  4. When ready, submit the nomination to the Center of Expertise for Learning, Performance and Recognition via Google Forms, by Monday, March 25, 2024.

This year’s recipients will be announced at our annual CEO Awards of Excellence Recognition Ceremony, which will be held in June as part of the National Public Service Week.

Please visit the CEO Awards of Excellence ParksNet page for more information or contact Marc-André Fournier if you have any questions.

I’m looking forward to reading this year’s nominations and celebrating your outstanding achievements!

Thank you,

Ron Hallman

President & Chief Executive Officer


Reminder to managers: In keeping with Parks Canada's procedures for communications with employees, managers are responsible for ensuring all team members under their responsibility receive the information intended for them. It is important that you find a means to transmit this message and, if any, the attachment(s) to employees without access to Parks Canada e-mail or the intranet, e.g. by posting it, circulating a paper copy or by any other appropriate means.

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