National AccessAbility Week May 26 to June 1, 2024 - Register for one or more of the sessions


National AccessAbility Week (May 26 to June 1, 2024) is a time to celebrate the contributions of Canadians with disabilities, highlight the work underway to remove barriers, and reflect on efforts to become a better, more accessible, and more inclusive Canada.

This year we are pleased to welcome all of Parks Canada to a series of interactive webinars exploring accessibility initiatives and reflecting on disability inclusion practices for visitors and employees. We hope these sessions will spark ideas and contribute to vital conversations on accessibility at Parks Canada places and workspaces.

Register for one or more of the sessions by clicking this link:

National Accessibility Week at Parks Canada.


Webinar Descriptions

Presentations will be shared via Teams webinars. Each session will feature simultaneous translation and sign language interpretation (not all sessions will include ASL and LSQ) as well as automated captions. Live Q&A sessions will follow each presentation.

For more accessibility info contact us at:


May 27: Perspectives on Thriving with Invisible Disabilities, 1-2pm Eastern

This session explores how invisible or episodic disabilities can influence the experience of visiting parks and heritage places, with a particular focus on Autism and neurological disabilities.


May 28: Parks Canada Accessibility Highlights, 1-3pm Eastern

This two-hour session will kick off with a panel discussion on accessibility initiatives, directives, tools and projects lead by national office staff. During the second hour, hear from field unit staff about accessibility initiatives and innovations, as well as lessons learned in the field.


May 30: Unlocking Potential: The Power of Accessible Workplaces, 1-2 pm Eastern

This session reflects on what it takes to create accessible workplaces, including best practices in accommodations and creating inclusive environments.


Information on wider National AccessAbility Week events across the public service can also be found here:

National AccessAbility Week 2024/ Semaine nationale de l’accessibilité 2024 - GCpedia


Darlene Upton and Nicholas Irving,

Co-champions, Employees with Disabilities

Related links

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