Announcement – Operations Directorate

Dear colleagues,

I am pleased to announce the following changes to the PCX community within the Operations Directorate, effective September 12, 2024.

Blair Pardy, Special Advisor to the Executive Director, Atlantic

Blair joined Parks Canada in 1990 as a Park Warden before transitioning to the role of Resources Conservation Manager at the preexisting Atlantic Service Center. In 2010, he accepted a leadership role as Field Unit Superintendent, Southern New Brunswick. Since 2015, Blair has been the Field Unit Superintendent, Cape Breton.

Blair holds a Bachelor of Science in Forestry as well as Master of Science in Forest Ecology from the University of New Brunswick.

Calvert Martin, Field Unit Superintendent, Cape Breton

Cal joined Parks Canada in 2007 as a Heritage Presentation Specialist at the preexisting Ontario Service Center. Over the years, he held various positions at National Office and in the Field, including acting Visitor Experience Manager in Riding Mountain Field Unit and Advisor for the Stories of Canada Program. Since 2019, he has been the Field Unit Superintendent, Northern Prairies.

Cal holds a Bachelor of Science in Biology from the University of Winnipeg.

Jennifer Duquette, Field Unit Superintendent, Northern Prairies

Jennifer joined Parks Canada in 2005 as an Interpreter in Prince Edward Island National Park. Over the years, she occupied various functions throughout the Ontario region, from leading National Historic Sites and National Parks to the role of Senior Strategic Advisor for the Eastern and Central Ontario Field Unit, and the Office of the Executive Director. Since February 2023, Jennifer has been acting Field Unit Superintendent, Northern Prairies.

Jennifer holds a Bachelor of Science in Biology from the University of Prince Edward Island as well as a Diploma in Renewable Resource Management from Holland College.

Please join me in wishing each of them all the best with their new role.


Ron Hallman
President & CEO
#StrongerTogether #ParksCanadaProud


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