Federal Budget 2024

Dear colleagues,

Yesterday, Budget 2024: Fairness for every generation was presented in the House of Commons. This budget outlines the government’s commitment to “lift-up every generation” and grow the economy through healthier communities. It also makes it clear that Parks Canada-administered places, and the work that we all do to protect and present them, play a key role in achieving these goals.

For your information and for greater clarity, the main Budget 2024 text identifies funding proposals on an accrual basis, whereas the financial tables within the document also express the proposed funding amounts on a “cash” basis. The latter approach is often more relevant to team members and is the approach used in this message.

Budget 2024 proposes the establishment of the new Pituamkek National Park Reserve with $107.6 million over 12 years, starting in 2024-25, and an ongoing $7.5 million per year for its creation and operation. In addition, it identifies funding to establish the proposed Central Coast National Marine Conservation Area Reserve in British Columbia, with $167.5 million over 11 years, starting in 2025-26, and an ongoing $10.7 million per year for its creation and operation.

These ambitious expansions in protected areas align with the Government of Canada’s pledge to create ten new national parks and ten national marine conservation areas as outlined in Budget 2021, marking significant strides towards our national target of protecting 30% of Canada’s lands and oceans by 2030. These areas are essential for protecting vulnerable ecosystems, safeguarding biodiversity, supporting climate change resilience, furthering reconciliation with Indigenous peoples, and fostering conservation.

Acknowledging the importance of Parks Canada’s National Urban Parks Program in connecting people and communities with nature, the budget allocates $44.3 million over five years, starting in 2024-25, with an ongoing $4.6 million per year to create Ojibway National Urban Park in Windsor, Ontario. Of note, $36.1 million will be sourced from Parks Canada’s existing reference levels previously provided through Enhanced Nature Legacy funding.

Budget 2024 also reflects responsible spending on housing and infrastructure projects. As Parks Canada works to enhance the sustainability of its own built assets, the budget includes $545.1 million over three years, starting in 2024-25, for capital investments in national historic sites, national parks, and national marine conservation areas administered by Parks Canada. This funding is pivotal for conserving and maintaining Parks Canada’s essential and critical assets across the country.

Through Budget 2024, the Government of Canada has also committed renewed funding for two critical initiatives that are important to Parks Canada: the Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan (FCSAP) and the Youth Employment Skills Strategy (YESS).

Finally, Budget 2024 proposes measures across the public service over the next four years to refocus government spending and achieve efficient spending for Canadians. The Budget commits that these measures will be implemented in ways that avoid impacts on services to Canadians and that staffing reductions will be achieved through natural attrition. 

Yesterday was a good day for Parks Canada as Budget 2024 proposes approximately $865 million in funding over various time horizons and another approximately $23 million in ongoing funding. I want to emphasize that these numbers will be reviewed in Parliament and require Treasury Board submissions that could change the amounts. That said, these are significant investments in support of the important work we do. I want to extend my gratitude to all team members who contributed to our proposals for Budget 2024, and to all of you who continue to strive for excellence in your work. Your dedication and passion for service continue to make Parks Canada a leader in conservation, historical commemoration, and tourism.

Looking ahead, I am excited to collaborate with you on these initiatives and the projects already underway that collectively make Parks Canada a world-renowned organization and a top employer in Canada.


Ron Hallman

President & CEO

#StrongerTogether #ParksCanadaProud

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