2024-01-24 Bell Lets Talk Day 2024

Dear colleagues,

As your new dedicated Wellness Co-Champions, we are thrilled to take part in the Bell Let's Talk campaign for mental health awareness. This initiative provides a fantastic opportunity to come together and make a positive impact on the well-being of our colleagues.

The Bell Let's Talk campaign aims to raise awareness and promote open discussions about mental health. By participating in this campaign, we can contribute to creating a more supportive and understanding environment for everyone at Parks Canada.

Let’s create real change in mental health. Take action on Bell Let’s Talk Day and all year long!

As part of the campaign, there is a variety of  activities and resources made available to all staff, including informative sessions, wellness workshops on the topic of preventing and managing burnout, and opportunities to share our personal experiences and insightsWe invite you to learn more about Parks Canada services throughout the mental health resource hub. 

We encourage each and every one of you to take part in these activities and help us foster a culture of empathy, support, and mental well-being within our organization.

Thank you for your support,

David Millar

Wellness Champion 


Jarred Picher

Wellness Co-Champion


#BellLetsTalk #StrongerTogether #ParksCanadaProud


Reminder to managers: In keeping with Parks Canada's procedures for communications with employees, managers are responsible for ensuring all team members under their responsibility receive the information intended for them. It is important that you find a means to transmit this message and, if any, the attachment(s) to employees without access to Parks Canada e-mail or the intranet, e.g. by posting it, circulating a paper copy or by any other appropriate means. 

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