Registration for the virtual Symposium on Values and Ethics is open

Dear colleagues,

I’m pleased to invite you to register for the virtual segment of the Clerk’s government-wide symposium on values and ethics entitled “What Unites Us, Defines Us: Values and Ethics in Today’s Federal Public Service”. The event will take place over two days, October 15 and 16, from 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. EDT, and you can register on the Canada School of Public Service’s page.

Regional events will be held in each province and territory on October 16, 2024, hosted by senior leaders from across the federal public service. We invite you to register (if required) for the in-person session in your region:

More information about regional events can be found on GCxchange. I’m pleased to share that David Millar, Vice President, Real Property and Assets, will be hosting the event in Whitehorse on behalf of the Clerk. These in-person gatherings will provide an opportunity for public servants across federal government departments and agencies to participate together in this enriched values and ethics programming.

If you’re a manager or supervisor looking for a meaningful team activity, consider enhancing your team’s understanding and application of public service values and ethics by inviting them to go in person to their regional event.

The purpose of the symposium is to reflect on the renewed discussion on values and ethics over the last year and how it relates to the Call to Action on Anti-Racism, Equity, and Inclusionin the Federal Public Service. It will showcase best practices and help position the public service to navigate the future with a renewed focus on the importance of values and ethics.

Let’s continue the renewed conversation on values and ethics together!

For further information about the Symposium on Values and Ethics, please visit ParksNet.


Ron Hallman

President & CEO



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